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SALON CRAWL Get Involved

For many salons, this year (2021) has been very challenging for hiring and retention with our teams. With the suite rentals on the rise, we are finding its even harder to find the right people to join our team that really want to be apart of what we are creating here at Salon Adelle. We have seen a trend of salon hopping when students graduate school in search of the perfect fit, wasting months & even years on everyone’s part. So why the Salon Crawl?

70% of stylists in the first 2 years of their career, leave the hair industry all together feeling defeated and discouraged that this is not the right industry for them. As a salon, our challenge has been when we hire a team member and 3-4 months down the road, they either leave bc they dont see a good fit, or we notice they are not the same person we hired a few months back and we have to let them go! Which ultimately just doesn’t work for anyone. We have been stuck in this phase for what seems like a year! Its time consuming and costly to continue down this path.

This is where we saw the opportunity for the SALON CRAWL to make a difference. For us, the challenge is that we are a high-end luxury salon and not every stylist is a good fit for our brand, but there IS a good fit for them somewhere. What a better way than to work together as owners, salons & schools to better our industry all around.


Where the idea came about…. I (Adelle) remember when I was in school and I was excited to start exploring where I would begin my new career. All we had were phone books back then so I opened the book and picked a salon to go walk into to see what it was like. So I went up there on a Saturday of all days and walked in. What I experienced was the lack of feeling welcomed or valued. I actually felt in the way and a bother to them, so I left there knowing… I would never go work there after that experience. Now I know as an owner that if a student walks in on a Saturday, our stylists are slammed and we are not available or even in the salon to talk.  

I wanted to create an event that would close the gap for our future professionals & the salons hiring them. This allows for students to feel welcomed into our environment & help them make a better educated decision about where to begin their careers, while being able to see multiple different business operations, ways of getting compensated & different benefits offered, etc.… which in turn is a win win! The salons participating will have a higher retention when the students can make a better educated decision on where they will best fit in! So in sharing some ideas one day with Leah Amundsun, Advisor and Leader at Paul Mitchell the School Greenville, she came up with the name, Salon Crawl with other salons participating and it immediately fit the entire vision!


Through this event it will greatly help the students make a clear decision on what type of environment they vibe with the most, which will help retention go up and overall increase the amount of applications the participating salons receive after the events. As this event grows, we hope to take it State wide and then Nation wide with salons partnering all over to support each other and our future professionals at the same time.



Instagram Post

Instagram Video of the Crawl


If this piques your interest, then we WANT YOU to partner with us for the next event in Oct. Date coming soon. There are limited spots for our location. Interested in hosting this event in your city? YES!!! We want you to HOST A SALON CRAWL! We provide the support needed to the host salon so that you can get the best results from this amazing event. Please fill out the form below to join our salon & school partnership or to host a salon crawl near you! We will be announcing dates for Oct soon and will contact you with details once its set in stone!