Today was a special day for me! Let me tell you this story 🙂
Kimberly Cadden came in for a consult a few weeks ago from Columbia…Yes she drove 1.5 hours just to meet with me for 15 min! (For those of you in Anderson and Spartanburg…you have no excuse! lol) Anyways, she decided it would be a great investment for her. Today was her appointment and we got talking about why she wanted the extensions. She had briefly told me that she went to a stylist (dont know who) and this stylist burnt her hair off. Her hair was about my length before this happened (bra strap length). Well needless to say she felt horrible about how she looked with her hair not looking good anymore.For us women, our hair…IS our day to day emotions!
The part that touched me the most is I caught her crying after we took her “after” photo of her hair. She was so happy to look in the mirror and see herself again. THIS is why I do what I do!!! She couldnt have said anything to me that would have made me feel this way…it was how she acted. I could tell that she was more thankful than she could ever explain!
I have many stories like this…but I usually dont share them on my bog simply because I get too busy and dont have time to write about every person…I apologize for that.
This is what makes me stand out from other extension artists… I care more about each one of my clients and how they feel about their hair and themselves than I could ever care about the money. I have to make a living somehow, but if I could make every single women feel this way about herself, no amount of money could compare to that!
OK Im done rambling! lol