Salon Adelle
News & Blog

Hair Extensions – Hair by Adelle

Hey there everyone!

So I did it again, I sprained my ankle which is why I am actually having time to write this blog! 🙁 I have been so crazy busy with no down time…so now I am being forced to sit in this chair and stare at this computer… Oh well, maybe this is a sign I should slow down more often 🙂 The good part is that this coming week will be my most busy week I have EVER had in the history of HBA! (hopefully I can move around fast enough) I have a total of 6 NEW extensions this coming week! CRAZY!!! I am so super excited about it!

I have been LOVING the emails that you all are sending in for the photo contest! They have all either made me cry or laugh! It will be so hard to decide who will be the top 8! There is still time to enter the contest… Remember, all you have to do it write me an email about how your extensions has changed your life. Keep in mind that if you are chosen, you will be featured on my blog with the email that you write me 🙂 As well as the front page of my website!!! Speaking of photo shoots….

Travis and I went to Savannah last weekend and Travis and I got some pretty amazing photos while we were there. We were testing out our AMAZING NEW CAMERA for TAG Photography.

Ill share with you all these photos! I have had a lot of my clients purchase some of these already from me. If you are interested in pricing for a particular photo, send us an email at (TAG PHOTOGRAPHY) they ARE pretty amazing I must say! 🙂

This is one of my favorites!

amazing photos of savannah GA

I had this one printed in a 30×45 Gallery wrap canvas to put in our dinning room! I cant WAIT to get it in!!!

Scene from Forest GumpFront Gate

This one just takes my breath away! We sat on the roof top of the hotel bar for hours trying to capture the lightning we were seeing! Well, it paid off, here are the lightning shots we got! 🙂

Captured lightning in Savannah

Captured Lightning in photo

Captured lightning

So anyways, even though these have nothing to do with hair extensions, I thought I would share them anyway! I love art which happens to be why I am good at doing hair… Hair is absolutely the work of an artist. Its just all depends on how good the artist might be 🙂

All for now~ adelle